Tailor-made cooperative training

Tailor-made cooperative training


Cooperative training and its R&D&I are a central strategy in the activity of the LANKI Institute of Co-operative Research. The development of specific materials and programs and the deployment and implementation of training processes are nuclear activities in the mission and work of LANKI.

Since 2008, we have been developing a systematic work in the deployment of cooperative training in Mondragon cooperatives. Here are some facts::

  • Over 86 cooperatives involved.
  • Over 12,000 participants.
  • Over 900 training sessions.

We work on hosting plans for new partners, specific training for members of social boards, as well as cooperative training/reflection processes as they involve the entire group of partners. Examples of this last line of work are the Eraldi Project, developed together with the Soraluce cooperative and the Kooperatzen Project, carried out in the Orkli cooperative..